The average hourly rate for starting positions is $21 per hour, including benefits.
The US Postal Service offers a very competitive pay rate at an average of $21 per hour, including benefits, for the following starting positions:
Below is a snapshot of the pay rates offered for the most popular starting positions at USPS. This information was sourced from job postings at USPS from August 2023. To view all of the information for the job posting, simply click on the job.
Some starting positions are eligible for the full federal benefits package after the typical 90 probationary period, while others may have a longer wait. But no worries. Those with a longer wait will have access to a portion of the benefits until they move up to the full package. This is typical with most large companies.
The USPS offers a very generous and dynamic federal benefits package to career employees which includes robust programs for medical, dental, vision, paid vacation, paid sick days, paid training, career advancement, and so much more. These types of benefit packages are valued at 33% of the employeeâs gross wages, as reported by the New York Times referencing data published by the Congressional Budget Office. This adds even more value to the value of the compensation package for the starting position.
This table with compiled 2022 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows the average (mean) hourly and annual pay rates for starting positions, without the value of benefits included. As you will see, the average hourly pay rate ranges from $25.49 to $27.11. This is based on geographic location. It also shows the annual salary for these positions ranges from $53,010 to $56,400. When you add in the value of the federal benefits package, the compensation increases annually to $70,503 to $75,012.
With this type of earning potential, advancement opportunity, and job security, having a career with USPS is a great way to have a lucrative career with no college degree or high school diploma. Take your shot and start your new career now.